Project Management

Project management means different things to different people. However, one thing is common to all - nothing slows a project down like en...
Daily Scrum-based project management is a methodology for managing the delivery of projects that come under the broader umbrella of agile...
With Orgzit’s Daily Task Management for Large Organizations Launcher, bring your entire team on a cloud powered application. Assign tasks...
Looking for a better way to deal with software development issues? Software development requires careful planning and collaboration am...
Successfully closing a deal can be exciting, but that’s where the real journey begins. In most cases, a new project brings in an exhausti...
Complete project management solution for teams from all industries. Orgzit’s easy-to-use Project Management with Invoicing Launcher bring...
Nothing slows a project down like endless meetings and complex reporting structures. Keeping track of deadlines, tracking deliverables an...
Orgzit's Launcher for Recruitment Agency Operations offers an affordable solution that will get you operating at optimum efficiency so th...
With Orgzit’s Reimbursement and Advance Launcher, focus on digitizing cumbersome admin / procurement processes. We understand you want to...

Do you want to transform your business to a streamlined system for growth?