Locate your desired asset quickly by maintaining an inventory of all assets in your organization. Attach attributes such as number, location, identification, description, purchase date, price, condition, etc. with each asset. Keep an account of depreciable and non-depreciable assets to format accurate cash flow statements. Stay one up on full inventory audit by having control over a fully automated inventory of assets.
Track the repairs conducted on your assets. Maintain historical data of repairs such as when, by whom, cost incurred, nature of repairs, etc. Achieve annual savings in repairs with efficient repair tracking modules. Take informed decisions about out of warranty repairs, logistics for sending assets to external repair locations, repair claims, etc. Ensure fewer issues and faster fixes by generating timely repair reports.
Keep a close watch on the expenses incurred on maintaining your assets over time. Aid cost reductions and improve the efficiency of your asset management processes by tracking all related expenses in good time. Plug leakages in asset expenditures. Review exceptions in asset expenditure reports and control them in time. Make the processes of expense report creation error free and easy.
Create and manage purchase quotesfor new assets. Associate attributes such as what asset, vendor, date of quote, price, discount, purchase terms, delivery fees, etc. for more efficient tracking of purchase quotes. Make order quotes more specific and effective by including all relevant details, from a single portal. Handle urgent, complex, and specific, communication challenges by filing purchase quotations correctly.
Generate graphical and tabular asset utilization reports, quickly and easily. Showcase downtime and operating statistics of available assets. Identify under-utilized and over-utilized assets. Analyze asset utilization by different departments in your organization. Investigate asset utilization over a specified duration. Extract historic data about asset utilization to sync with other use cycles.
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